
The issue has taken new urgency

Federal health officials are considering whether anyone born between 1945 and 1965 should get a one-time blood test to check if their livers harbor this ticking time bomb. Burberry bags, burberry ties, burberry watches cheap on sale.The reason: Two-thirds of people with hepatitis C are in this age group, most unaware that a virus that takes a few decades to do its damage has festered since their younger days. The issue has taken new urgency since two drugs hit the market last summer that promise to cure many more people than ever was possible. Research published Monday says testing millions of the middle-aged to find those who need the pricey treatment would be worth the cost, saving thousands of lives. "One of every 33 Baby Boomers are living with hepatitis C infection," says Dr. John Ward, hepatitis chief at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Most people will be surprised, because it's a silent epidemic." Don't think you need to worry? Yes, sharing a needle while injecting illegal drugs is the biggest risk factor for becoming infected with this blood-borne virus. But before 1992, when widespread testing of the blood supply began, hepatitis C commonly was spread through blood transfusions. Plus, a one-time experiment with drugs way back in high school or college could have been enough. About 3.2 million Americans are estimated to have chronic hepatitis C, but at least half of them may not know it. The virus, which affects 170 million people burberry bags worldwide, can gradually scar the liver and lead to cirrhosis or liver cancer. It is a leading cause of liver transplants. A CDC study published Monday analyzed a decade of death records and found an increase in death rates from hepatitis C. In fact, in 2007 there were 15,000 deaths related to hepatitis C, higher than previous estimates - and surpassing the nearly 13,000 deaths caused by the better-known AIDS virus. Perhaps more surprising, three-fourths of the hepatitis deaths occurred in the middle-aged, people 45 to 64, researchers reported in Annals of Internal Medicine. "Mortality will continue to grow for the next 10 to 15 years at least unless we do something different" to find and treat the silent sufferers, Ward says. Fructose does not make you gain more weight than other types of carbohydrates, Canadian researchers reported in the Annals of Internal Medicine. They found that a little extra fructose added to foods did not trigger weight gain, as long as the participants reduced the equivalent total calories from other carbs. In other words, fructose calories are no more fattening than the same number of calories in other carbohydrate foods. The authors explained that fructose's contribution to excess bodyweight in Western societies is often mentioned, but no studies have clearly shown a connection. Burberry sunglasses, burberry scarves, burberry shoes 2012 outlet.John L. Sievenpiper, MD, PhD., and team set out to determine what effect fructose might have on people's weight in controlled eating trials. They gathered data on 41 controlled feeding trials which had lasted for at least seven days. 31 of them, involving 637 participants, compared the effect of free fructose and non-fructose carbohydrates in isocaloric trials. Isocaloric means with similar total calories. 10 studies, involving 119 participants were hypercaloric trials (high calories). They excluded trials that evaluated high-fructose corn syrup (42% to 55% free fructose). They found that in the isocaloric trials, fructose made no overall difference to body weight, when compared to non-fructose carbohydrates. However, high calorie fructose diets did lead to increases in body weight. Put simply: when people ate foods with fructose, and their meals had the same number of calories as people's with non-fructose carbohydrate, there was no significant different is body weight. However, high calorie fructose diets did make people put on weight. The authors stressed that several of the burberry sunglasses trials available were not of very good quality. They suggested that in the fructose hypercaloric trials, weight gain may have simply been due to too many calories, rather than fructose itself.

