
Power balance bracelet claims

It's a performance technology that claims to work with your body's natural flow of energy.

Everyone from regular joe's to high profile athletes wear them, and yet, the proof behind the product is a bit unclear.

"I just feel confident that if I'm playing a sport, its going to give me a competitive edge," said Patrick Farnsworth.

Jeannine Schultz, "I wear it to bed every night, I wear it when I take a shower, you know, I never take it off."

Jackson Mayes said, "I was kind of skeptical, but, I bought it."

Mayes is a junior in college and spends most of his free time outdoors.

"I skateboard, I surfboard, I wakeboard, a bunch of stuff that requires balance, so, you know, anything to help my balance, I'm down for it, but it didn't really help one bit," Mayes said.

Jeanine Shultz always wears her Power Balance bracelet.

"I thought, I'm going to go get me one, just to see," Schultz said.

She says it makes a difference when she's training.

Power balance creators claim the hologram in the bracelet "resonates with and responds to your body's natural energy field."

Therefore, improving your balance, strength and flexibility.

Hundreds of top athletes are endorsing them.

We couldn't just take their word for it, so we decided to have our own test run at Golf Etc. in College Station.

Patrick Farnsworth, owner of Golf Etc., says its his best selling item.

"For some people, it'll cure migraines...and also back aches and other physical ailments," Farnsworth said.

Could it be true? Can this little silicone bracelet really make you stronger, more flexible and even get rid of pain?

"None of us were taught in medical school how to measure a hologram," said Dr. Maraist.

Dr. Maraist is a neurologist for St. Joseph, with a board certification in pain management.

"Yes we have neurochemical activity going on that makes us work and runs our system, but it doesn't create an aura around us that you can manipulate," Dr. Maraist said.

In other words, you can't really "optimize your body's energy flow."

What do our consumers have to say?

Mayes said, "If someone tells you to do something and you can't do it and then someone gives you something special, you're obviously going to think harder about it, but, I don't know, it just didn't work for me."

"I would say its worth a try," said Schultz.

Farnsworth said, "You don't put it on and feel a surge of energy or that you can bounce from building to building...If it works, it works."

"When we treat multiple sclerosis patients, we've seen as many as 50% of the people treated with sugar pills, respond to the sugar pills," said Dr. Maraist.

It's called the placebo effect and Dr. Maraist says the power of suggestion can go a long way.

"There is a mind over body phenomena that's real. Our brain controls our emotions as well as our pain perception and a lot of physical aspects," said Dr. Maraist.

It may not have any legs to stand on, but if the Power Balance is worth gambling your money, it is a harmless treatment that might just give you one more reason to have a positive attitude.

Whether you're a top athlete, a workout enthusiast, or just a weekend warrior, there are traditional alternatives to the Power Balance bracelet.

Physical therapy has proven to be very effective for people with injuries as well as those who are looking for an athletic advantage like more flexibility and balance.

Sports Psychologists are also available to help with your "mental" game as well as massage therapy to help anyone looking for the slightest advantage in their sport or day-to-day mobility.

Visit onlinenewshop to know more.

